Our Dear Son Chandler Thomas was born on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 1.21 pm. He was 6 lb, 16 oz, 17 inch long. He has the most beautiful face and thick black curly hair. He gave us 39 minutes of his precious life and he had a lot to accomplish:
- He cried when he was born
- He was trying to talk with his Mommy and Daddy while they were holding him
- He was making funny faces when Mommy was touching his face
- He made funny face to his Aunt when she touched his chin
- He opened his eyes to see his Mommy and Daddy
- He opened his eyes to see the rest of the family
- He was holding Mom's finder in his beautiful arms
- He got baptized
- He melted every heart in the room and left the most beautiful memories and love everyone will keep forever.
It was only 39 minutes we could share but it was the most wonderful 39 minutes in my life.
I love you, Chandler! Thank you for being my Son. Your Mommy and Daddy will always remember you as their precious first son and they will love you forever!
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My heart is full of sorrow for you and my eyes are full of tears. A beautiful post about your Chandler. I am so sorry he had leave so soon.
ReplyDeleteYour angel is safe in God's hands. Please let me know if there is something I can do for you.
I would love to send you a handkerchief from my For Your Tears blog. Please email me your full name and address at dpucci9972@gmail.com
I will pray for your comfort. Take care.
Lena, I am so very sorry about your precious Chandler. I am so happy that you recieved 39 mins of his love. He will continue to send his love to you. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you had to say goodbye. I am glad you were able to have 39 precious minutes with him. And you are right, the best minutes of your life. :')
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you had to say hello and goodby on the same day. congrats on the wonderful 39 min with him, I know that you spent that time showing hom nothing but 100% true love. I'm sorry for your loss
ReplyDeleteLena, You detailed so much of his life so well. I am so proud of you my darling wife...
ReplyDeleteI love you